i did an hour-long interview with national public radio this morning to talk about my life as a virus slayer, spyware smusher, fraud foiler & general security wonk. fooled them into thinking i do real work ;-)
here are the shots from my treo while recording the spot with the reporter up in seattle. very cool lady named wendy kaufman and lotsa fun. as a long time NPR supporter, this was the cat's meow.
NPR says it's a three- to five-minute segment and will air at 6:50 and 8:50 a.m. in the United States on member stations that carry Morning Edition.

Very cool, babe! I say do a DJ demo for em' while youre in there!
very cool, indeed! i've been trying to find the segment on npr's website but i can't find it amidst stories of iran's nuclear ambitions, the coup in thailand, and an asparagus floating in a bathtub (something to do w/ darwin's theory of evoluation). can yer post a link, perchance, for your fans online?
thx :-)
it's not up yet, it should air this coming monday, provided that there isn't a military coup, mass ecoli outbreak with string beans, or the pope says something about hinduism.
i'll get the link up as soon as i see it!
Wow - first I thought Coolio being on NPR was tha bomb - but there really is a story about asparagus in a bathtub??? Now THAT is newsworthy ;-)
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